Product Ideas & Requests

Lastest CAM beta broke Liquid Temps controlling fan speed

Lastest CAM beta broke Liquid Temps controlling fan speed

  • mike kool
  • Jan 23 2022
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  • Carolyn Stocki commented
    3 Feb, 2022 04:04am

    Hello, I apologize for this issue and hope it did not affect your system too much. We've pushed out a fix for this in CAM version 4.33.1. Please completely close out and reopen CAM to get this update. If this issue persists after version 4.33.1, please let us know.

    I apologize for this issue, and thank you for your patience while it was being resolved.

  • Guest commented
    3 Feb, 2022 01:49am

    This issues was known about but the update was still pushed out... Now my system is thermal throttling.

  • Carolyn Stocki commented
    26 Jan, 2022 10:06pm

    Hello, thanks for catching this and bringing it to our attention! We've got this documented and our engineers will be looking at it shortly. I'll keep this thread updated for whenever we get a fix out.

    -Carolyn, CAM Product Manager

  • Doug Jacobs commented
    24 Jan, 2022 06:30pm

    Good catch, same here. With Liquid selected, there doesn't appear to be any software fan control AT ALL. If I change to CPU or GPU, I can control fan speeds. When I change back to liquid, whatever speed the fan was running with CPU/GPU selected persists.

    NZXT, this seems like a good reason to roll back to the last beta version..

  • +1