Product Ideas & Requests

Not working. Once in a while, but mostly not

The cam program will only work when it feels like it. Between 'does not work' RETRY, rotate display, that only does sometimes, to all of the 'customizable' buttons, not the program it claims to be. Please fix!

  • Guest
  • Aug 21 2024
  • Needs Review
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  • Guest commented
    August 28, 2024 05:29

    i too am having issues with the Kraken Elite 360 and CAM app. The app freezes and corrupts the LCD display causing it to not read and stays stuck until I close CAM completely then reopen. After reopening the CAP app it would go through its cycle then work properly for a minute or so then it'll cause another black screen and same thing happens again. Ive selected Directx instead of Vulkan and same issues even after a power down. ive contacted NZXT customer service and tech support team but they keep sending me the same online link with the same follow through steps. Ive uninstalled, run as administrator and all drivers are up to date yet the software and hardwares still having major issues. their customer service and tech support team have stopped responding and havent provided any time of help since last week.

  • Guest commented
    August 21, 2024 22:50

    The cam program will only work when it feels like it. Between 'does not work' RETRY, rotate display, that only does sometimes, to all of the 'customizable' buttons, not the program it claims to be. Please fix!