Product Ideas & Requests

nzxt cam taskbar / notification area

I would like nzxt cam to sit in the spare space of the taskbar but I can only get it to zoom down to 50% which is still too large. needs to be able to go down further to say 30%? or alternatively just make it to be able to run the minimised display in the notification area?? thanks

  • Guest
  • Aug 9 2024
  • Needs Review
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  • Guest commented
    30 Jan 13:04

    Also when you 'use' your taskbar, i.e. click the windows button or anything on the taskbar, it drops 'behind' the taskbar, and doesn't always stay on top, needs to genuinely remain on top or actually integrate into the taskbar itself, totally agree on the smaller size required, it's slightly too big! Additionally, the ability to make the background transparent would be cool