Product Ideas & Requests

Could CAM software report the full Model description of the installed NZXT cooling solution

Hi, My CAM software (which is excellent btw) reports my cooling solution as a Kraken X but there are lots of Kraken X models distinguished by the number after the "X" would it be possible to have the software report the full Model Number? In my case the currently reported Kraken X would be replaced by Kraken X72. I know the full model number is on the radiator somewhere but this can be difficult or impossible to find if the product has been installed in the PC for some time and/or you no longer have the original packaging

  • Guest
  • Jul 20 2023
  • Will Not Implement
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Amanda York commented
    August 24, 2023 22:03

    These identifiers are stored within the firmware of the device and are required to be burned into the device when manufactured. Unfortunately this is not something that can be added later, though we are reviewing adding these designations for future Kraken products!