Product Ideas & Requests

most gifs on kraken elite 360 do not run at 60fps

I've just gotten the kraken elite 360 rgb which advertises a 60hz refresh rate lcd display.

To my disappointment, over the past few days, I realize that the vast majority of gifs I've wanted to use on the display do not run at 60fps. Instead they run at 30 fps / slow motion. This applies even to the majority of gifs found in the giphy browser in the CAM software itself. The gifs play at normal speed in the CAM software preview window. However on the LCD display itself they run at 1/2 speed.

I've tried resizing / cropping the gifs. Used software to compress the gifs to less than 2 megs. With or without temperature metrics. Nothing works.

I have yet to understand why a small percentage of gifs seem to run at 60 fps as expected (of which I've only found 2 that work), but the rest simply do not.

Hoping for a fix for this issue, apart from that the AIO works very well!

  • Guest
  • Jun 17 2023
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