Product Ideas & Requests

Increase default pump speed at a firmware level as it is too low

If for example there was a problem with CAM and it didn't apply your pump curve, the pump will run at the last speed it received, constantly. If power is cut, the pump will default to about 900rpm (X53). I don't see any reason why this needs to be so low. Sure, it's probably enough to keep most CPUs from frying themselves under load, but still, why can't it be a more sensible value to give better cooling in case of a software malfunction, say ~2000rpm? Or better still, operate to a sensible fluid temp/rpm curve.

  • Dom
  • Sep 17 2021
  • Needs Review
  • Attach files
  • Dem commented
    29 Sep, 2023 02:38pm

    The Problem is still there in 2023. Please address this ASAP. Powerful and slightly overclocked CPUs are overheating during the initial Windows start up until the CAM software is fully up and running. This is similar to what initially this ticket was submitted regarding.