Product Ideas & Requests

Option to increase "Mini Mode" Display Size over 150%

I'd like to request a feature in the next version of I'd like to request a feature in the next version of NZXT Cam and have the "Mini Mode" Display >Size option go above 150% to 200% +. I like to use the Mini Mode display on a tiny monitor to display my PCs stats but it's difficult to read on a smaller screen. Thank you for you attention, Gail +. I like to use the Mini Mode display on a tiny monitor to display my PCs stats but it's difficult to read on a smaller screen. Thank you for you attention, Gail

  • Guest
  • May 5 2021
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    November 28, 2024 13:34

    I have an auxiliary screen and I was thinking of switching to mini mode as a second screen, but it looks like you say, extremely small. Could there be a way to maximize it to the full screen resolution or customize the size without limit?

  • Devin Chan commented
    August 20, 2021 00:42
    +1 vote! I would really like to increase this above 150%. At least up to 300% to cover more user cases. I'm using mini mode to display on the mini LCD screen I have in my case, and at 150% it's too small!
  • +1