Product Ideas & Requests

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Creating custom LCD layouts for Z-3 series displays.

I'd like to see a way to create custom layouts for the Z-3 display. Either by having a small GUI where you can drag and drop different elements, such as placeholders for CAM data, text, progress bars, etc, into a circle and arrange them freely. Elements should be resizable and UI stuff like percentage bars would need a numerical source value as well as min/max settings.

Another way would be to use a simple markup language, with tags for all the data and graphical elements and some way to set position, alignment, size, color, etc.

Or much more straight forward, just let us set an image that is reloaded/refreshed every x seconds or if the file gets updated. This allows us to develop custom solutions to dynamically present our desired content on the display.

  • Big M
  • May 5 2021
  • Shipped
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  • Chevy Bullido commented
    17 Aug, 2022 02:56pm

    I'm posting back just to just say that I just to do a similar thing with Aida64 and the LCD display of an old Logitech G17 keyboard. It was very simple but incredibly useful (check attached picture)

    I hope we get something similar soon.

  • Guest commented
    1 Feb, 2022 12:09pm

    This would be a immense benefit!

  • James May commented
    20 Aug, 2021 01:41pm

    I love this idea!

  • Big M commented
    20 May, 2021 12:44am

    Good to know that something might be in the works. I case anything gets implemented, I don't mind a simple, limited, easy solution first. I'm just hoping for a little more customizability for my display options.

  • Chevy Bullido commented
    10 May, 2021 06:28am

    This would be awesome indeed. I wrote Johnny (NZXT founder) a few days ago suggesting the same thing! It would be also great to have the option to add several custom layouts in carousel mode.

  • +8