Product Ideas & Requests

NZXT Cam reports wrong temps for Ryzen 5 3600

NZXT Cam reports ~10 degrees higher than what Ryzen master shows me.

  • Guest
  • May 4 2021
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  • Guest commented
    8 Jun, 2021 12:28am

    Mine does this too. I have a Ryzen 5 3600 and am using the CAM software to control a GRID V3. NZXT CAM showes 44 degrees celcius right now and a clock of 4199Mhz and yet Ryzen Master shows 34.17 degrees celcius and a clock speed of only 827Mhz.... Its greall reall off. Its super anoying when the GRID spins up my fans to turbo speed and Ryzen Master only shows the CPU at 37 degrees celius.

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