Product Ideas & Requests

13 Vote

Game tracker - tracks MORE games

I've noticed that the game tracker that is built in does not recognize every game while I play them, and thus it doesn't actually show every game I play :( I would love for all games to show when I play them. An example could be Roblox or Totally Accurate Battle Grounds.

  • Guest
  • May 2 2021
  • Will Not Implement
  • Attach files
  • Miguel Machado commented
    22 Jan, 2022 04:09pm

    Yeah, I feel the same. Or manually add or better game hooks, like Discord.

    Escape from tarkov is not being tracked as well

  • Guest commented
    18 May, 2021 01:56am

    The ability to manually add games would be nice. It's weird having it track some one-off games, and not track bigger titles.

  • +6